Weekly Elevations to Enhance Your Self-Image

REIMAGINE/ What’s Possible. EMBODY/ Extraordinary.

The Edit #95

The Edit #95

So, I’m getting ready for the day, casually sliding into a pair of pants I haven't worn in a while. And let’s just say they’re giving me a little more squeeze than usual. Cue the dramatic music, right? Old me would’ve freaked out faster than you can say “size zero.” I...

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The Edit #94

The Edit #94

We’ve all been there – making half-hearted resolutions that fizzle out faster than a New Year’s gym membership. It’s like that scene in “The Matrix” where Morpheus offers Neo the choice between the blue pill and the red pill. The blue pill represents blissful...

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The Edit #93

The Edit #93

You know that feeling when you're on a roll, crushing your goals, and feeling like nothing can stop you? That was me, hitting the gym hard and loving every minute. And then, BAM! Sickness struck like a bolt from the blue. After three days of coughing, sniffling, and...

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The Edit #92

The Edit #92

I've got a juicy story to share today about the unexpected life lesson I learned from... wait for it... my bookshelf! Yes, you read that right – my bookshelf. You see, I used to have a shelf filled with books that were basically screaming at me: “You're fat!” “You've...

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The Edit #91

The Edit #91

I've got a confession to make: my mind used to be like a cluttered closet filled with thoughts that no longer fit me. You know those old sweatpants you can't bear to throw away? Yeah, I had the mental equivalent of those taking up precious space in my head. One day,...

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